Saturday, January 29, 2011

Orosi, Cachí, Cartago oh my!

With my trusty friend/tour guide by my side, we venture towards the slightly chilly Cartago. Our first stop is La Basilica. The architecture is quite impressive and the weather is perfect. I love the contrast of the gray stone statues against the perfectly blue sky. The courtyard is full of las palomas (pigeons) running around, pecking at scraps of food. Normally, I would find this kind of bird annoying but today it just fits. Did I go inside the cathedral? Yes, of course. The interior was impressive. I come from small southern Baptist churches in south Georgia, which are quite modest in comparison. The Catholics really know how to do it up!

Afterwards, we head to the back of the cathedral to see La Negrita who is housed in a cave-like section at the back of the church. When we start to leave, I notice a lady kind of wandering around and looking at us. Turns out it's a friend of Jonathan's family, Analia. She is a doctor in Cartago so Jonathan tells her about me and my nursing education. She invites us to Tukasa Cafe for coffee. I listen intently as they converse, not understanding much, but enjoying the experience nonetheless.

Next, she offers to drive us around. We drive through the mountains of Orosi Valley (they are mountains to someone coming from Florida) and I spot something... a real, live waterfall!! Unable to contain my excitement, Analia stops the car and lets me out. It's pretty small in comparison with ones I've yet to see, but wow..... Good thing I brought my camera. Snap!

Our next stop was la Represa de Cachi (the Cachi Dam). Also pretty amazing. Check out the picture. It's hard to decide what's better; the stunning view, or the roadside grilled corn on the cob. My eyes and stomach are fighting.

my first costa rican casado, taking pictures of colones

---these are ideas---

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