Saturday, January 29, 2011

my tropical paradise

The hotel provides complimentary breakfast. This morning I eat gallo pinto for the first time. My thoughts... "how strange to eat rice and beans for breakfast." Little did I know I would soon be craving it weekly, if not daily. The rest of the breakfast was nothing special. Some fruit (papaya and pineapple), toast, and some extremely yellow butter.

I arrive at Villa Lakshmi for my appointment to see the apartment. The electric fence around the perimeter is slightly off-putting, but at least it's secure. I started researching apartments on Craig's List a month or so before arriving. Jonathan advised me which neighborhoods were okay and which to steer clear of. San Pedro made the cut.

I'm greeted by Martha, the all-knowing, all-seeing property manager from Nicaragua. She opens two sets of gates, both with keys and a number combination. Luckily, Jonathan is with me to translate. Marta speaks no English, I speak no Spanish. The spanish tiles in the walkways (and throughout the apartments) are beautiful. There is a lush tropical garden in the courtyard, complete with beautiful Heliconia plants. The apartment is on the 2nd floor, on the end. My first thoughts... it's kind of small, but really cute. At this point, I'm pretty much sold. No need to keep looking. Contracts are signed in English and in Spanish. Done.

My only question... how do you turn on a gas stove?

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